About this blog

Hallo! Wilkommen!
This is my blog. I hope you enjoy reading and contributing to it.
Before you start to use the blog please take a moment to read the guidelines below.

Remember only use your first name and German class when adding comments etc.

DO NOT post e-mail addresses or other personal information.

When you add a comment it will not appear automatically. It will be moderated first.

On this blog I have included links to external websites that I hope you might find useful. However, I am not responsible for the content on other sites. If you find that something inappropriate is featured on another site I have linked to, please let me know.

Welchen Tag haben wir heute? Wie spät ist es?


Ein gutes Jahr!

I would like to say a big well done to all my classes this year. I have been really pleased with the effort you have put into your lessons and I hope that you have enjoyed learning German this year.

Year 9
Even if you are not carrying on with a language next year, you have learnt lots of useful language and some great life skills. Don't forget that these skills will come in handy if you decide to take up another language later on- maybe at Sixth Form. I wish you all the best for your future studies. Of course, I will still be teaching some of you next year if you have opted for German. Don't forget to check out the KS4 blog- Spitze!

Have a good summer and come back relaxed and ready to learn!
In September there will be more blog competitions, games, info and even a new blog name!

Bis bald!

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